PAST News from Neuro Central
Forth Valley Royal Hospital Neurology Team complete their Neuro-a-go-go walk.
Many thanks to the team who walked up Dumyat on 25 June to raise funds for Neuro Central. So far, they have raised the fantastic amount of £755 for us. There are more pictures here.
(Updated August 2022)
We’re back at St Margaret’s
It was great to have Neuro Central back at St Margaret’s in Auchterarder after two years away due to Covid. Thanks to all our volunteers who made Saturday 25 June a very special day. We had rock painting therapy with Fiona, massage and reflexology with Lorna and Shiona and a bit of feet pampering from Rosemary. The was also time for chat and catching up over refreshments and home baking thanks to Jackie, Mary and Jennifer. And thanks to Scott for the photo.
(Posted June 2022)
A Charity Walk for Neuro Central
We are delighted that colleagues from the Neurology Team at Forth Valley Royal Hospital are planning on walking up Dumyat on 25th June 2022 to raise lots of money for Neuro Central. They would really love your support to help this worthy cause. Many thanks to them and to you if you are able to support them.
You can donate here.
(Posted June 2022)
We’re Returning to St Margaret’s in Auchterarder
During the pandemic, we were unable to use St Margaret’s and were fortunate that Auchterarder Parish Church was able to offer us alternative accommodation. However, we can now return to the Day Centre at St Margaret’s. We are marking this on Saturday 25 June 2022 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm with an open session to find out what Neuro Central is all about. We look forward to seeing you there.
(Posted June 2022)
We’re making some temporary changes to our normal schedule!
There are two changes to our normal schedule in May:
We have to cancel our scheduled meeting at Stirling County Cricket Club on 16 May 2022 because our volunteers all have other commitments that day.
There will be no meeting in Auchterarder on the fourth Friday in May because of a clash with our Living Well with Neurological Conditions programme on the following day.
We hope you understand why we are unable to bring you these events.
(Posted May 2022)
Golden Giving becomes
Peoples Fundraising
If you have made a one-off online donation to Neuro Central in the past, you will have used our Golden Giving page. We have now been advised by Golden Giving that our donation page will in future be branded as Peoples Fundraising. We have changed our donation page to reflect this but please be reassured that any donations made through this website will reach us. We remain grateful for any donations made this way.
(Posted May 2022)
We are very excited to have received funding from Perth and Kinross Wellbeing Fund and present to you our Living Well with Neurological Conditions programme. This is open to all members and will be held in Auchterarder.
There are 10 fortnightly sessions starting on Saturday 05 February 2022, and you can see the complete programme here.
To ensure your wellbeing on the day, lunch will be provided!
(Posted January 2022)
Beat Neuro Central
Our final event of 2021 took place on Sunday 19 December on Auchterarder Main Street beside the Christmas tree. The Neuro Central drumming band had been rehearsing over the past couple of months and put on a performance raise awareness of Neuro Central and what we do. Thanks to everyone who came along both to join in and to support us. Everyone was invited to come to Aytoun Hall afterwards for some festive refreshments and our Christmas raffle. Once again, the star prize was one of Heather’s amazing Gingerbread Houses.
(Posted December 2021)
Neuro Central Constitution Revised
Following the online ballot which gave members the opportunity to vote on proposed changes to the constitution, the changes were formally endorsed at the Annual General Meeting on 06 December 2021.
The changes have now been submitted to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR), accepted by them, and the change to the purposes of the charity displayed on their website.
You can find the revised version of the constitution at Charity Documents.
(Posted December 2021)
Co-op Local Community Fund
Many thanks to the Auchterarder and Community Co-op and their customers for supporting Neuro Cental to raise a grand total of £4014.68!
Heather and Sheila collected this cheque on our behalf at a presentation in Auchterarder on Friday 19 November.
(Posted November 2021)
Trustees Week - November 2021
Did you know that this first week in November is Trustees Week? This is an annual celebration of the essential role they play in governing charities.
Neuro Central has five trustees. We are:
Heather Wilson
Jackie Paterson
Jane Logan
Moira McDonald
Paul Rimmer
You can find more about us at Meet the Team.
It has been an interesting year (to say the least!) as we have been coping with the fallout from the pandemic. We have been trying to keep our members informed and entertained during that time. And we have now taken the decision to restart face-to-face meetings in Auchterarder and Stirling. That was a hard choice, and we've had to impose certain precautions which we think will keep you as safe as possible.
The trustees are very fortunate to have a group of volunteers to help, but we can always do with more. Are you, one of your family, or one of your friends interested in becoming a trustee?
If you believe in what we are trying to do, and have some time, however much, please get in touch. We would be happy to talk to you so you have a good idea of what's involved. Just contact one of the trustees or use our Contact page.
And there is information available from the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR). This video gives advice to first time trustees.
Now is the time to check it out. We hold our AGM in December and we look forward to welcoming any new trustees at that meeting.
(Posted November 2021)
This unique challenge organised by INEOS has teams of cyclists who, as a group and for 21 days, have to ride the same distance travelled by the riders in the Tour de France.
Team 3 included Alan Wilson and three of his colleagues. They successfully completed the challenge and raised £1,000 for charity. They decided to split the money between four charities and Alan kindly nominated Neuro Central as the recipient of his £250.
We are very grateful to both Alan and INEOS for this generous donation.
(Posted October 2021)
We’re back!
On Monday 20 September 2021, we took the big step of returning to Stirling County Cricket Club for the first of our meetings since Scotland was hit by the pandemic. It did mean that we had to take precautions that were unknown when we last met. Nevertheless, it was great to be back and able to chat with other members. And Auchterarder followed four days later. We hope for a continued programme of meetings.
(Posted in October 2021)
This followed his fund-raising by attempting a Double Ramsay Round. Starting in Fort William, David’s challenge was to climb 46 Munros within 48 hours. This is a distance of 188 kilometres and an ascent of 17,380 metres (almost the equivalent of climbing Mount Everest twice).
David says of Neuro Central: “This charity has provided support for my family in recent years which I'm truly grateful for. I'm delighted to be able to raise some awareness and support for them in return.”
You can read more about his challenge here in his blog.
(Posted in August 2021)
We’re launching our new and updated website this month. We hope you find it easy to use and gives you the information you need. If there’s anything else you would like to see, please let us know.
Thanks are due to Naomi Rimmer and Steve Cooper for their help in getting this site up and running.
(Posted July 2021)
Today is the start of Volunteers' Week (running from 01 June to 07 June 2021) and at Neuro Central we'd like to say a great big THANK YOU to all our volunteers. We would not be able to do anything without you.
And if you have ever considered volunteering but not yet got around to it, give it a go. We'd love to hear from you.
(Posted June 2021)
Clare, one of our members, showed us how to make a hedgehog from a book during one of our Zoom sessions.
If you’d like to have a go, you can find the instructions here.
(Posted May 2021)
Have you seen our new promotional video?
(Posted May 2021)
At the Neuro Central Committee Meeting held on 07 May 2021, the committee reaffirmed its plan to restart face-to-face meetings in Stirling and Auchterarder later this year. If the suppression of the Covid-19 virus continues and the restrictions are relaxed, we plan to get back to normal in September 2021. Here’s hoping . . .
(Posted May 2021)
We’re in the Stirling Observer.
This piece will be repeated weekly and hopefully this will make others more aware of what we have to offer.
(Posted May 2021)
During one of our regular monthly Zoom sessions, we had an online Sound Therapy session which was run for us by Morag Wylie. She is a sound healing practitioner based in Central Scotland and has held live sessions for Neuro Central in the past.
If you couldn’t be there, you can listen to the session here.
(Posted May 2021)
Cameron’s Mammoth Cycle Challenge
After volunteering for Neuro Central with his high school, Cameron Darnbrough from Dunblane decided he wanted to set a challenge to raise money for Neuro Central. On Monday 12th April 2021, Cameron cycled from his house in Dunblane, up Dumyat and back, five times in one day. His plan was to raise £600, but to everyone’s amazement and delight Cameron has raised over £2,000! If you’d still like to donate, you can do it here. There’s more on this story here.
(Posted in April 2021)
During a recent development day that was hosted for us by Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise (also known as SVE), the members of your committee reviewed what exactly was most important to us as a charity as a whole, and as individual members and volunteers. The result was a Mission Statement and a set of five Values.
Mission Statement:
Our mission is to ensure that people in Scotland who live with neurological conditions, their carers and families, have access to high quality services and therapies, information and support in a friendly relaxed environment, so nobody has to feel alone.
Friendly - making people feel welcome and included, with genuine consideration for others in a cheerful, respectful and responsive way.
Open - to everyone (members, volunteers and funders) where every opinion matters, confidentiality is respected, and there is a commitment to promoting equality and embracing diversity in all our actions.
Compassionate - connecting with all those with a neurological condition and providing a safe space where people can go to get help, advice, support and therapies.
Understanding - listening with care and showing empathy with actions of support.
Supportive - fostering an atmosphere of friendship, respect and care for each other, and responsive to the expressed needs of our members.
We hope you agree that they reflect how you would like Neuro Central to be. If you have any comments, please email the Secretary.
(Posted March 2021)